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Creating and Managing Content Categories

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Content Categories Structure

SmartSpace has two types of Content Categories each with two different kinds of basic behaviour.

SmartSpace Created Categories;

Quite a few automated widgets enable easy setup in your website framework.

Not much control on the fine tuned behaviour of how the category is displayed or how it works.

User Created Categories;

You must insert the category number in various menus or panels in the framework to call content in those categories.

Fine grained control on how the category works and how it is displayed.

In most cases we recommend that you use this type of content category for general content and blogs

Basic Category Behaviour

Each of the category types can be set to order by order number of the content within the category or by last modified date (descending).  This basic difference is extremely important, and central to how content within that category is displayed.

Because SmartSpace automates a lot of the hard work in developing and maintaining a website, it is important that the correct selection is made when choosing this option in category setup.

Order by Modified Date (or Order By Publshed Date desc)

This category type is best used when you want the latest information to be seen as most prominent on your website;

Order By Order Number

This content type is normally used where the content is relatively static.

To get any article to appear in a list or to be shown automatically, it must be numbered (>0) in the Order Number field of the content page itself.

Whilst articles with an order number of 0 (zero) can be viewed by the public, they must be linked directly.  They will not appear in auto generated lists.

The numbering does not have to be continuous (e.g. 1,2,3,4,5,6 etc.) to work.

If two articles have the same number, the system will decide in what order they appear.

Completing Category Setup - Other Category Fields

Content Category

This is the Content Category name.  Consider this name carefully as it will be seen in many places including;

Title Behaviour

The Title Behaviour selection determines how titles appear in the archive and how titles in archive menus appear in the archive and each of the articles within that category.

Category Title Pic

SmartSpace allows you to show a title image in place of a text title.  If you have uploaded an image into a titles album they will appear in this list (see here for important details on image titles).

Category Page Name

The page name is used to help with search engine optimisation (SEO) of the category archive page.


This text is a descriptive passage on the subject of the content category.

Archive Keywords

This field is also used for SEO purposes;

User Access

Normally only staff should be able to create content on your website;

Archive Format

There are a number of ways you can display the content archive.

Default Images

Often you will want images to be attached to the archive page as backgrounds and for other purposes;

Allow Replies

If you tick this box, registered users can reply to content that has been created in this category. Please note that Replies must be enabled in Content Settings for this to work.

Show Category Menu

On the category archive page and on each page of content within that archive, up to 10 links to other content within that category can be shown (if supported by the website framework);

Auto Navigate

The Auto Navigate field can provide two elements which indiciate to either search engines and/or users that the content is linked

  1. Ignores like content - no action is taken to link content
  2. Include Full Category Navigation at the foot of each numbered article - Shows links to all pages in the category (Must be numbered > 0) overides previous/next links above
  3. Include Like Content SEO settings into the header of all numbered content - Instructs major search engines that each page of content is part of the one subject heading
  4. Include Full Category Navigation and Like Content SEO settings - Does both 2 and 3 above

Content Image Default Size

The images that are shown as a preview image in the category archive and as the default size of those images attached to the included content (as number 11 or greater);

Show Archive From

This field enables you to create an archive effect on your website;

Always ensure that you save any changes by clicking the Save or Update button.

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