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Trouble Logging In To Smartspace?

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Smartspace is a website and sports management platform which requires only one login, even if you have connections to many websites or club systems.

Ways of Getting Login Details/Passwords in Smartspace

You may get your login details in the following ways:

  1. Clicking on the Forgot Password? link in any Smartspace login panel
  2. Sent by club/website admin staff to advise of login details
  3. Sent by a website administrator because you have been granted adminstator priveleges yourself
  4. Received as part of an email which may require you to login as part of a specific process

1. Getting Lost Login Details/Passwords Using the Forgot Password? Link

Any user can retrieve your login details as long as you have the same email address that is stored within the Smartspace system.

You can also use this method to determine whether or not you have a registration record in the system.To retrieve your login details do the following:

Your login details will be sent to your address if it is in the system

If there are multiple names using the same email address, it will allow you to select the Name from a list before sending the logins.

It is possible that the email will end up in your junk folder, so check there first if you did not receive it.

You should reset your password after receiving your logins through the email system (see below)

Please Note!! The Get Logins form is always available to users when they are going through any Smartspace process which requires a login

2. Logins Sent By an Administrator

You can request your website/club/network administrator to send your logins.

Administrators send ordinary logins by doing the following:

3. Logins Sent by Administrators to Other Administrators

If, as an administrator you are activating other administrators, you can send login details to the new administrator.

Likewise, you can send an email to an existing administrator.

4. Send Logins Through the Bulk Email System

The bulk email system sends individualised emails to selected users

Tick the Login Info box to send individualised logins with the email

Click here for details on sending bulk emails

Entering Login Details - Troubleshooting

Username and passwords are case sensitive. As such you need to enter the exact sequence of alpha numeric characters in order to be successful.

Here are a few common mistakes made by users when logging in, especially for the first time.

One way you can overcome these problems is by cutting and pasting the details into the relevent fields.

This can however cause other problems. When copying and pasting details please do the following to avoid problems:

Changing Login Details

By clicking Update My Details  in a login panel (after being logged in), you will be taken to a registration form.

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