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Creating Email Content Templates

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Smartspace administrators can send individualised emails to lists and groups. To send emails which contain similar text on rrepeated occasions, they can use articles saved in the Communications Content Template content category.

Traders and clubs do not need the Content Module to make use of this feature.

Please note!! Html emails must be selected in Communications Settings to use this feature.

1. Create the Content

Please note: You can also create header and footer templates via Global Selections > Manage Email Header/Footer

2. Adding the Content Template to the Bulk Email

Navigate to the Bulk Email window by selecting a list to email to or by going through the Groups section

Within the area of the Message  field, click  on the Email Content Selection - Select before adding new text if required link

Click on the Click Here To Add Text link of the selected article

The content from the article will be placed in the email Message field - edit as required


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